Our Story:
Linen and White is a mobile boutique- a shop on wheels designed and owned by a family of creative female entrepreneurs.
We are Michigan girls born and raised and proud to drive our mobile boutique throughout this beautiful state.
We can't wait to meet you at our next stop! XO

Mobile stops:
May 19-20: Farm Girl Flea | Hudsonville fairgrounds in Hudsonville, Michigan
May 27: Fall Peddler's Market | Downtown Zeeland, Michigan
August 5: Art in the Park | Centennial Park | Holland, Michigan
September 1-2: Found Cottage Market| Ottawa County Fairgrounds | Hudsonville, Michigan
September 17: Finders Keepers/ Traveling Market/ Chelsea, Michigan
September 22-23: Farm Girl Flea | Hudsonville Fairgrounds | Hudsonville, Michigan
September 30: Merchant & Makers | Frugthaven Farm | Greenville, Michigan
November 11: Rebel Co. Holiday Market | Saginaw, Michigan
November 11: Rockford Art & Craft fair | Rockford High School | Rockford, Michigan